Donalda Westcott, CMEA President
President’s Message:
Hello CMEA and welcome to 2021.
It is my sincere hope that the holidays provided you with the opportunity to rest and recharge for the remainder of the school year. We are all at different points on the teaching spectrum from first year, to mid career, to those nearing their retirement, but we all share a passion for music education and offering our students the best and most authentic musical experiences that we can.
I applaud each and every one of you for thinking outside the box and for turning the lemons of the Covid 19 pandemic into amazing lemonade. Your dedication and persistence in the face of never before seen teaching situations is commendable, and I want to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you for staying the course and putting our students first.
To you all, please keep the faith that this year will get better, we will get through it and we will be stronger teachers for the process. Your bag of tricks has expanded exponentially and your ability to adapt to unusual circumstances is unparalleled.
Keep on keeping on! Spring is just around the corner.
Together we are stronger.
Donalda Westcott,
CMEA President