30th ISME World Conference on Music Education
meetings, groups, elections
June 22, 2012
Dear ISME Colleagues,
Soon we will meet in Thessaloniki, Greece for a very exciting ISME World Conference on Music Education. Plans are going very well and we are sure that you will be impressed with what the local organizers are achieving on behalf of music education and ISME.
1. National Meetings
Tuesday 17 July from 13:00-14:00 hours
All ISME Members should attend these meetings.
A list of the rooms for the meetings will be on the noticeboard near the ISME Secretariat on the 3rd floor.
Please note that in some cases, where there are few people from some countries, there may be, for purely practical reasons, several countries assigned to the same room. In such cases you are asked to divide into country groups in that room, as you will need to decide per country how you will vote at the General Assembly. You may also like to join with the other countries for part of the time to discuss matters relevant to all on music education, ISME matters or policies concerning your region.
Please make sure that a person from your country is appointed to chair the meeting and to represent your country. This meeting is for all delegates from your country. That person may chair the meeting if there is no ISME National Affiliate representative present. An agenda may be prepared by the designated chair to help focus the meeting.
In particular please note the Proposed Bylaw Amendments which you will be asked to vote on at the General Assembly. You may wish to discuss these and other matters during your National Meeting.
Should your meeting result in any suggestions which you may wish to communicate to the ISME Board about the Society, please do so in writing ie by email, to the Secretary General after the Conference.
Please advise who your Country Representative will be by: Friday 29th June. Name and email address to be sent to: isme@isme.org
2. General Assembly (GA)
Thursday 19 July from 11:30-13:00 hours
Your Country Representative (see above) will vote on behalf of all Members from your country at the General Assembly on issues of policy. This person needs to go to the ISME Secretariat desk before the GA and sign to receive the voting card, which must be shown when voting at the General Assembly.
PLEASE NOTE: voting representatives must please sit at the front of the hall in designated seating to make the counting of votes easier.
One voting card per ISME Member Country will be issued.
3. INAs and Group Representatives at the Conference
a) Monday 16 July 11:15-12:45
INA ISME National Affiliate Symposium.
Mapping Music Education in Different Countries: The Role of Music Organizations in Promoting Music Education.
All welcome!
b) Wednesday 18th July 8:30-9:30
You are invited to an open meeting on the role of ISME National Affiliates and ISME Group Members, how they can contribute and benefit from ISME Membership in their countries. All INA and Group Member Representatives are invited to attend. All delegates who are interested to hear more about Group membership or how to apply for INA status are welcome to attend.
It is important for your country to be represented within ISME with Group Members and INAs. If your country does not already have an ISME Group Member or INA, please contact the ISME Office (isme@isme.org) for further information.
4. Voting for ISME President Elect and the ISME Board
See information about voting on the ISME website (private members’ area) and in the inserts in the last ISME Newsletter.
Vote for ISME Board – one vote per ISME Individual Member and one vote per ISME Group Member.
Voting is only available online. Log onto the members’ section of the ISME website.
A “Meet the Candidates” session will take place during the week on Monday and Wednesday, near the ISME Secretariat desk.
Cultural Encounters and Northern Reflections
WAAE Summit 2012
The World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) 2012 world summit will be held in Lapland hosted by the University of Lapland, Finland between November 7-9, 2012.
The focus of this summit includes:
• sharing international arts education research on pedagogy, curriculum, cultural sustainability and community engagement
• reviewing and developing the WAAE alliance and strategic plans within the areas of Research, Advocacy, Networking
• advancing understanding of UNESCO’s Seoul Agenda: Goals for Arts Education
Abstracts due by August 30, 2012.
More information available at: