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Call for Proposals

By 16 May 2016July 23rd, 2021No Comments


Thank you to all of our members who completed the CMEA Professional Development survey, it gave us a great deal of insight into what our members were feeling about a national or regional professional development opportunity. There are several regions across the country that don’t have access to large conferences or other music PD while there are others that have a historically strong provincial conference where the members have lots of opportunity for music PD.

The survey results have been tabulated and we have attached that report for you and your board of directors.
Based on the feedback we received, we would like to put a call out to you, our provincial affiliates for proposals for professional development. These proposals could be regional or could be more than one MEA working in partnership. The proposal should not interfere with or affect an already established conference or professional development opportunity for teachers. The CMEA is willing to assist with a maximum of half of the initial investment, if needed.

Please include in your proposal the following information:

  • Location (city, province)
  • Ideal venue
  • Time of year
  • Financial plan
  • Financial commitment (if any) for the CMEA
  • Ideal number of participants
  • Any additional information that would inform the CMEA Elected Board

If your provincial MEA is interested in putting forth a proposal, please submit it to no later than June 30, 2016.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to email. Thank you for all of the work you do on behalf of music educators in your province and across the country!

The CMEA Professional Development Selection Committee

Copy of this information for download/printing: Call for Proposals
